Fairy Light Raykey
Fairy Light Raykey
by Stephanie Brail, is a form of energy inspired by the fairies. It is not a traditional reiki but it can be used in a very similar manner. The fairies believe that the source for much illness and disease is that simply humans take things way too seriously! So with Fairy Light Reiki you can lighten up your life.
It can be used for self-treatment or on others. It is also a great tool to use in manifesting and it brings out the souls natural capacity for fun, joy and happiness. If you are feeling gloomy or depressed or maybe working too hard or trying too hard then this is a GREAT energy for you!
If you are a healer and work with people that need this sort of energy then this can be a very useful tool to add to the other form of Reiki or healing modality that you use.
– distance attunement via chi ball
– manual available in English
Instant download of manual at purchase